God has blessed us with so many gifts that we return a portion to him with grateful hearts,
knowing that God will inspire us to use them to be a blessing in his name.
Offerings - Automated, Online, Text, and Mobile App!
Save time, simplify your life, and support Orchard! There are several ways you can automate your tithes and offerings -- when you're away, anytime you're thinking of us, or if you need to make a payment when you register for an event, and any other special fees.
You can set up automatic bank withdrawal (EFT) or credit card (MasterCard and Visa only) payments. Download the Authorization Form and turn it into the Finance Office to get started on your EFT or credit card offerings.
You can use the Online Giving link below to automate your payments, make special offerings, and pay registration and other fees . The link below will take you to our processing company, Vanco Services, where you'll be given instructions on how to complete the transaction.
You can give anytime, anywhere by sending a text. Send a dollar amount (e.g.: $20) to 248-639-7947. You'll receive a reply with a link to put in credit/debit information (very simple, very secure). Reply with "Repeat" to get set up for a recurring transaction.

Vanco Mobile App
Support ministries anytime and anywhere from the palm of your hand. Here are the simple steps to begin giving:
• Download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app (click below for the App Store or Google Play)
• Search for our church
• Select your fund & amount
• Enter payment method
• Choose to cover processing fees (or choose to pay through checking account)
• Complete your donation
You can choose to give one-time or set up recurring transactions. You can also pay for special offerings, events, fundraisers, etc. through this app.