Adult Ministry
At Orchard, we strive for connection - both spiritually and socially. We offer Sunday school classes for adults, mid-week Bible studies and faith-based discussions, social and interest groups from young adults to seniors in a variety of life situations. Whether you want an information-based experience or a fellowship-based experience, we have a group for you, or will work with you to start one.

Adult Sunday School
10 am (September-May), drop-in
Faith, led by Dr. Mary Clark. Our vision statement for Orchard UMC includes, “growing in faith.” Faith — what is it? How does it function? Just like so many words we use, it is often more complex than we think. We will explore “Faith” with lessons and lots of discussions. Attend whenever you can. Sundays between first and second services (10:05-10:55 am), Room 202.
Small Group Studies
Mid-Week Opportunities - Spiritual Growth
Eve’s Girls — A women’s book discussion and spiritual growth group, mixed with lots of fellowship. Typically meets the 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:30 pm, Parlor. Contact — Cathy Albery
Tuesday Mornings Book Discussion Join us on Tuesday mornings at 10 am for a lively discussion on the current book this group is studying. Parlor. Contact — Rev. Paul Hahm
Wednesday Nights Together (WNT) This mid-week program is offered in the fall and mid-winter/spring with classes taught by our pastors and lay leaders. Community dinner at 5:30, programming at 6:30 pm. Contact the church office for more information.
Lenten Studies Church-wide emphasis runs from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week/Easter. Various days and times are offered.

Life Groups
Social Activities, Interest Areas
Life Groups share fellowship based on stages of life. The boundaries are not necessarily defined by age limitations, but more by the common ground of life experiences. You'll find social activities, educational or missional opportunities, or faith-based discussions. All of our life groups are open and very welcoming!
LAF — (Life after Fifty) is Orchard’s social group geared for those in their 50s and older. Everyone—married, single, retired, still working, kids, no kids—is invited to share in our fun together, and to lend support to each other and the church when needed. They love to LAF! Coordinators are John and Donna Young
Friends Supporting Friends...who have chronic health issues Friends Supporting Friends is Orchard's support group for anyone dealing with chronic illness themselves or assisting a family member or friend. The group meets on the third Friday of every month from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m., currently meeting via Zoom. Contact Teresa Bowers for more information.

The women of Orchard enjoy a variety of events and programs tailored to meet the needs of women of all ages, including small group studies, scrap booking and card making, pajama parties, retreats, game nights, prayer groups, and opportunities for mission and service.
Women's Retreat — March is usually the month when the women of Orchard and friends gather to take a weekend away to retreat from their routines and rest in God's love. Retreats includes times of introspection, times of laughter, times of dining and talking together, and times of talking with God. Contact — Sheri Hicks or Kelly Sheckell.
Advent by Candlelight — Our annual Advent tea and worship service is on an evening in December for Orchard women and their guests (ages 12 and up). The evening begins with holiday wassail, followed by worship in the sanctuary, then adjourning to our Ministry Activity Center. The MAC is transformed into a candlelit room with each table beautifully decorated by the women who host them. Hostess and guest signups begin in November. Contact - Shannon Maguire
MomCo (formerly MOPS) — Orchard sponsors a MomCo group which connects mothers for support and encouragement as well as tips for parenting, marriage, and self-care.


Several activities are planned for the men of Orchard throughout the year. Spearheading these activities is our men's group, MOO (Men of Orchard), open to men of all ages.
MOO – This group of men serve together to make a difference in the world. Through opportunities to help within our community (Rebuilding Together and Breakfast with Santa), gathering as men in fellowship (men's retreats), learning with and from each other to be better in all aspects of our lives (speaker breakfasts), and connecting with each other (hockey games, curling), camaraderie and bonds are formed. Contact — John Young
Pub Theology – On the table are discussions of our faith backgrounds and our beliefs. The goal is “listening before speaking” as men of different backgrounds, ages, and beliefs come together to explore and learn what can be gained in conversation with one another. No Bibles needed. Invite a friend—Christian, atheist, Jewish, Muslim, etc. — all are welcome. Contact the church office for more information.
Men's Retreat - A weekend of conversation and programming to build faith, plus throw in some fun things like golfing, fishing, hiking, biking, and maybe even a little college football. If you would like to know more, contact the church office.
Concierge Ministry - These gentlemen welcome visitors on Sunday mornings and at special worship services. You can find them holding doors, helping carry packages, holding an umbrella, etc. Contact — John Young
Mall-Walkers - Keep fit and have fellowship - meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 am at the Food Court Entrance to the Twelve Oaks Mall. Contact — Dan Harmon
"Lunch Bunch" - Join our weekly hot dog lunch at the Great Lakes Coney Island on Grand River. Tuesdays at 11:15 am. Contact — Dan Harmon