Community Life
Community Life - Social
Community Life - Support
Our Worship and Hospitality/Caring Ministries work to make each worship experience and interaction with our congregation meaningful and welcoming , bringing alive the message of God’s love for us through Christ, and enabling us to go forth into the world to live out our faith.
Wednesday Nights Together - A Ministry of Faith and Fellowship for ALL Ages!
5:15 Kids' Handbell Choir
5:30 - 6:30 Dinner is available in the Ministry Activity Center (MAC/gym)*
6:30 - All classes and activities start
Wednesday nights are a great place to be together at Orchard! We share in music programs (children, youth, and adults), learning, missions, and lots of opportunities to laugh and talk and just be together! The multi-week sessions run in the Fall and Spring, offering a variety of classes, activities, and programs for all ages. Dinner is comfort food meals and served from 5:30-6:30. Dinners are $5/person; $3 for children 3-8; $20 family max. We meet for Fall and Spring varying-week sessions. Check the calendar for start dates.
Physical Fitness (check calendar for summer availability)
... Feeding Heart, Mind, Body and Soul
We offer a variety of physical fitness opportunities throughout the week with ways for us to be in fellowship with each other, as well as ways to care for ourselves. Find one that's just right for you! Exercise classes meet in our Ministry Activity Center (MAC), unless otherwise noted.
Men's Mall Walk - 8:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. Meet at the Food Court entrance to the Twelve Oaks Mall. No fee.
Women's Mall Walk - 8:30 a.m. on Mondays, Thursdays, & Fridays. Meet at the Food Court entrance (by Taco Bell) to the Twelve Oaks Mall. No fee.
Drop-In Classes at Orchard
Strength Class* - 9:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays - Instructor is Jeanette Domol, who has been teaching aerobics for 30 years. Bring an exercise mat. Cost is $5 per class.
Plus 50 Aerobics* - 10:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays - Exercise workout designed just for seniors! Instructor is Jeanette Domol, who has been teaching senior workouts for the last 6 years. Cost is $3 per class.
*Seniors 50 and over
Tai Chi - 7:00 p.m. on Mondays - Beginners are encouraged to join this exercise and meditation class in the Wu Style Tai Chi. Instructor is Sam Purdy. For more information on this class, call Marcia Harmon at (248) 553-4174. Cost is $10 per class (or $40 prepaid for 5 classes).
Hustle & Flow (R & B Line Dancing) - 7:00 p.m. Thursdays - Have fun, learn favorite party hustles, and keep fit with low impact dance moves. All skill levels welcome. Recommended attire is comfortable clothing and smooth soled shoes or sneakers. $5/class (drop in) or $40/10 classes. Orchard folks get their first class free. For more information, contact Deb Koss .
Drums Alive - 9:30 a.m. Fridays - Drums Alive is a new group fitness experience. Set to some great rock n’ roll music, this exercise is so much fun you get a great work out without realizing it! Using a 65 cm (large) stability ball, drumsticks, and a bucket, you put all the energy you want into it. Bring your own stability ball—music, buckets, and drumsticks are provided! Cost is $5/class. Contact Debbie Mayer, certified Drums Alive instructor, for more information. at for more information.
Living Nativity
We typically offer our Living Nativity every other year where you are invited to experience the wondrous and mystical event of the Journey to Bethlehem from the warmth of your car. Slowly drive the luminary-lit path that will take you from the declaration of Caesar Augustus to the manger. Featuring live animals and actors.
This free event is our gift to you and to the community. Come journey to the manger with us.
Touch-a-Truck is a FREE hands-on family event we offered in October. This event provides children with the opportunity to explore large vehicles of all types, including those used by professionals in construction, public safety, transportation, landscaping and other industries.
Children will be allowed to get behind the wheel of these vehicles and meet the people who help to build, protect, beautify and serve our community. Face painting, hot dog lunch, and more will be part of the day’s activities. You can also visit the Pumpkin Patch!
Living & Thriving is Orchard's support group for anyone dealing with chronic illness themselves or assisting a family member or friend. The group typically meets on the second Saturday of every month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at Panera Bread located at 12/Halsted.
NEXT Mentoring Program
Partnering together to help move you forward to what's next!
Mentoring is a way for experienced professionals to share their expertise with those in our connected community who have employment or career development needs. A mentor acts as a trusted coach or guide, who assists in setting and achieving goals for developing career direction and skills.
We are looking for both mentors and mentees. For more information, please contact Thom Parker.
Grief support for those who have experienced the loss of a beloved pet. Second Mondays of each month at 7 pm. Contact Micky Golden Moore, Ph.D., M.S.H.P. for more information.
These group meetings are held in Fellowship Hall. Park in the parking lot at the north end of the building (lower lot), enter through the first set of glass double doors.
Tues., 11 am (AA)
Wed., 7:30 pm (AA/Al-Anon)
Thurs., 7:30 pm (AA/Alateen)
Fri., 10 am (AA)
Stand with Trans is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to provide the tools needed by transgender youth so they will be empowered, supported and validated as they transition to their authentic life. For transgender children and/or their parent, this groups meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Youth meet in the Youth Lounge; parents meet in Room 100. Enter through the first set of glass double doors from the north (lower) parking lot. Contact Roz Keith with any questions.
At Orchard, we love being together. We offer many ways to gather together - as families and as individuals - in laughter, learning, and love, providing support and care for each other,
and reaching out to the community to provide the same,