inclusivity • hospitality • worship • discipleship • mission • stewardship
Sunday Worship Services
At Orchard, we strive to offer meaningful and vibrant worship each week.
We offer two worship services on Sunday mornings, each with their own musical identity.
We typically celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
All are welcome at Christ's table.
​Sunday Worship Hours
9 am and 11 am (September - mid-June). Nursery care for infant and toddlers.
10 am Sunday School for all ages - from pre-K to adult (September-May).
Coffee and Treats - Please enjoy a coffee and conversation after both services. Treats are served between services, at the 10 am hour.
9 am and 10:30 am (mid-June to Sunday after Labor Day).
The 9 am worship celebration has a relaxed, contemporary feel with music provided by our praise band, All About Soul. Congregational singing includes contemporary praise music specifically selected each week to reflect the message of the day.
The second service provides the congregation with a more traditional/blended service of classic hymns, organ music, and anthems by the Chancel Choir or our handbell choir, Chancel Ringers, with maybe some upbeat, contemporary songs for reflection, prayer, and praise.
Each week's worship service has elements that are crafted for that day's message - perhaps a solo or musical offering inserted into the sermon; a skit that supports the message in a dramatic or humorous way; excellent music from any one - or a combination of - our music ministry groups; a video clip that ties to the message; a time of prayer, or an offering by our children's or youth choirs.
WOW – Worship our Way (for children ages preschool through 4th grade) is our children’s worship experience offered during the main worship services. Children begin in the sanctuary with their families and are dismissed following the Children’s Message to participate in an experiential and age-appropriate worship service which prepares them to make the transition to adult worship.
Life at Orchard begins with our Sunday services
inspiring music and relevant teaching
friendly, welcoming people
talking and laughing
your children being welcomed by caring leaders
your teen excited to be here!
not having to worry about being singled out as a visitor or being pressured to give money
wearing clothes you’d wear to a friend’s house
messages that are tied to everyday life
a place where you are always welcome and welcomed!
Special Worship Services
There are many ways to worship, and different styles and formats may speak to us and facilitate our encounter with God in different ways. Periodically, we will offer special services and hope that you will find new ways of hearing and connecting with God through them.
Ash Wednesday - the beginning of the period of Lent, those 40 days and six Sunday before Easter. Evening worship, 7 pm.
Holy Week services including Maundy (or Holy) Thursday, remembering the Last Supper celebrated by Jesus with his disciples (evening worship at 7 pm), and Good Friday, remembering the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. Often an afternoon service with other churches in the community (12:15 pm) or offered as an evening service here at Orchard (7 pm).
Three Christmas Eve services - 5 pm is designed with families and young children in mind; 8 pm is more contemporary in nature with music provided by our praise band; 10 pm is more contemplative, with the celebration of Holy Communion. Each service ends with a time of singing Silent Night and lighting candles.
Get Involved
Find out how you can use your talents, gifts, and passions to serve on one of our teams.