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Visiting Orchard



We are so glad you've chosen to give our church a visit! Your experience will start at the door with a smiling face and helpful greeters. Worship will speak to your heart and fill you with the presence of the Living Christ. At Orchard we value inclusivity, spiritual growth, mission, and generosity, with programs and ministries for all ages and all kinds of interest. A stop at the Welcome Desk will help you learn more about our church and find friendly people to answer questions and help you feel at home!

A warm welcome and a kind word...

  • A smiling face at the front door who will greet you as the friend we were waiting there to see!

  • At the time of greeting during each worship service, prepare to be greeted with a kind word and a sincere welcome from the people sitting around you.

  • An informative and smiling person at our Welcome Desk where they'll try to answer all your questions and, if they don't know the answer, they'll know who they can find to assist!

  • You may also request the following at the Welcome Desk - large print hymnal, hearing device, or assistance with a wheelchair or walker.

Diversity and Inclusivity...

  • We are an energetic multi-generational faith community. We come in all shapes and sizes. We love to laugh, sing, have fun, and eat!

  • We strive to have a non-judgmental spirit and to love and accept people "where they are, as they are."

  • We draw people from a wide geographical area. Despite our location in Farmington Hills, people travel from as far away as Belleville, Berkley, Canton Township, Commerce Township, Northville, Novi, Milford, Livonia, Plymouth, Southfield, Waterford, and West Bloomfield to participate in the life of our congregation.  

  • You may also request the following from a greeter: large print hymnal, braille hymnal, hearing aid, hearing loop, wheelchair, pew cushion.


What To Wear

  • We have no dress code! We dress in blue jeans and tennis shoes, in "Sunday best," and everything in between. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in as you worship God.



  • Upon entering the sanctuary you will be greeted and handed a bulletin that will give you all the information you will need to participate in the worship service. It will also include weekly announcements and a calendar of the coming week's events. 

  • We use a large screen at our worship services. In addition to enhancing our services by reflecting the theme of worship, you will find the lyrics to the praise and worship songs, the hymns, and the spoken/unison liturgy throughout the services. Hymnals are also available in the pew racks.

  • Our 9 am worship service is more contemporary in style, with a relaxed feel, that attracts everyone from young families to our most senior member at 100+.

  • Our second service (11 am from Sept.-mid-June; 10:30 am from mid-June-Labor Day) is more traditional in style, with hymns done on the organ, more formal liturgy, our Chancel Choir or Chancel Ringers handbell choir - whatever helps us connect with God.

  • You will find people who feel free to worship in the way that feels most comfortable - with hands raised or heads bowed, sitting still or dancing in their seats; and yet you may be challenged to move out of your comfort zone to experience worship anew.


Opportunities to grow...

  • We believe that life is a spiritual journey, and we are committed to a path of growth and change.

  • We believe passionately that God is calling each of us to use our various gifts to make a difference in God's world.

United Methodist Church
30450 Farmington Road

Farmington Hills, MI 48334



Church Office Hours: 10 am-2 pm Mon-Fri

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 (c) 2025 by Orchard UMC

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