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Youth Ministry

At Orchard, we have a dynamic youth program for students from 7th-12th grades. Both our Middle School (7th-8th) and Senior High (9th-12th) youth groups have Sunday school, times for faith and fellowship, and opportunities to put faith into action through planned mission and service activities.


Sunday school takes place during the 10 a.m. Sunday school hour from September-May.


  • High School (9th-12th) meet in the Youth Lounge for "Breakfast Club." That Sunday's preacher provides an outline of the service as well as questions on the sermon. The students discuss the sermon and apply it to their life. Kyle Hefflebower, Sunday School teacher, always brings donuts!

  • Middle School (7th-8th) students meet in Room FH5 in the Youth area. The teachers use the "re:form" curriculum by Sparkhouse.


Sunday School


Sunday School

Middle School (7th-8th)

Our Middle School youth are just beginning the process of forming a faith of their own. They're all about forming strong supporting relationships with other students who are also going through the same discernment process.


Their times are full of laughter and fun, as well as some meaningful discussion topics about challenges facing middle school-aged students. Through lessons, hands-on service opportunities, strictly fun outings, games and mores, friendship bonds are formed, questions are asked, and hearts are opened to what leading a life of faith looks and feels like.


This year their programming will revolve around the Confirmation process. If you have a 7th or 8th grade student, please contact Nick Bonsky, youth director, for more information on this year's Middle School programming!





The journey to becoming a member of the church

Confirmation in the Methodist Church is the time when students of a responsible age (7th and 8th grades) enter a time of study and preparation to make a declaration before their church family that they wish to join the church and become a member in their own right. It is a continuation of the journey that begins with baptism.

All 7th and 8th graders (as of September 2019) are encouraged to enter this time of study and preparation, and to use that time to discern, together with their parents, whether they are ready to accept this amazing gift and its responsibilities.


For more information on what Confirmation at Orchard looks like, please contact Pastor Amy Mayo-Moyle.


Mission Week for Middles
For rising 7th-9th graders

Mission Week for Middles is our summer mission project rising 7th-8th-9th graders. Students spend a week serving at a wide variety of local missions so as to understand the needs around them and the many opportunities we have to serve. 


Kelly Sheckell

High School (9th-12th)


Our Senior high youth fellowship ministry draws students from up to 15 area high schools. They  meet each Sunday evening from 6:30-8:00 pm (September-May) to share time together with laughter and encouragement to grow in faith as they discuss a wide variety of topics that are important to them. Their dedication to being open, welcoming, accepting, and encouraging creates a safe environment for students to simply be who they are, ask the hard questions, and explore challenging topics. This is a great place to build trust-based relationships and to explore what it means to be a Christian living out faith in challenging situations.


This age group participates in an annual mission trip at the beginning of summer.


Click here for forms.

Orchard youth have a long-running tradition of taking their enthusiasm out into the world to help rehab homes for people in need or perhaps run a Vacation Bible School in an underprivileged neighborhood. Each year the group plans a trip to a different part of the country, with different cultural experiences - urban, rural, Native American, etc.  - so that the youth can learn about the varying needs that exist in our nation.


Current high school students are eligible for the summer mission trips. Adult volunteers are always welcome! Contact Mari Anne Wilcox, Connections and Outreach Coordinator, to find out more!

Mission Trip
United Methodist Church
30450 Farmington Road

Farmington Hills, MI 48334



Church Office Hours: 10 am-2 pm Mon-Fri

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 (c) 2025 by Orchard UMC

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